Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Even with Healing Waters about to be released in December, we're still getting a lot of mail about Healing Stones, our novel about forgiveness -- or the lack of it. The topic seems to strike more nerves than a shock therapy treatment. I'd just like to coax one of those many nerves out for nurturing today -- and that's the issue of forgiving ourselves. Let me start out by saying that I, Sullivan Crisp, am more than qualified to ask the question, "How do your forgive yourself?' because I'm still working on it. Seriously. I sit down. I pray. I give up all the guilt and the angst and the regret and the agonized searches into the past -- just turn it all over to God. And then I'm good for, oh, ten minutes, twenty max, before some tendril of remorse starts to irritate me like a hair in my eye. I don't think I'm alone in that. We can hold out the olive branch to everyone else, but when it comes to ourselves, we only bring it close enough to grab the ocacsional leaf off of the thing. Over the next week, I'd like to explore this elusive thing called self-forgiveness -- why it's hard, why we have to do it, and how we can. Because I think the stones we throw at ourselves are the ones that hit the hardest, and leave the deepest bruises. I hope you'll explore with me.

As always:

* This is not a substitute for professional therapy.

* You can always comment privately.

Blessing that heart of yours,

Sullivan Crisp

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