Saturday, September 27, 2008


I thought you'd like a sneak preview of the next novel I appear in, entitled Healing Waters. This is where we tackle the issue of what we bury alive. Yes, the protagonist, Lucia Brocacini Coffey (not to be confused with something you would order at StarBucks) is overweight, so she is literally feeding her past and her pain. But you don't have to try to keep it quiet with food. Or with any of the other obvious choices -- overuse of alcohol, abuse of prescription drugs, compulsive shopping (which is not at all the same as healthy retail therapy, I've been told.) There are other attempts to keep the old issues at bay which may not on the surface seem all that bad. Society even accepts workaholism, perfectionism, and overloaded schedules as part of normal twenty-first century living. Even serial relationships, or no relationships beyond MySpace "friends" have merely become a part of the fabric of Americana. But here's the deal: don't buy it. If we're using something -- anything -- in excess purely to keep ourselves from feeling or confronting or ripping someone's eyebrows out, that's a problem. I know. I tried it myself. My addiction, which you know if you've read Healing Stones, was saving the world, one psyche at a time. Not a bad thing if it's really souls you're concerned about, and not just the avoidance of your own grief. I paid dearly for thirteen years of stuffing myself with working and serving and saving. I hate to see that happen to anybody. So, hey, think about it. Share if you want to. There will be no buzzing. Only ding-ding-dings. As always:

* This is not a substitute for professional therapy
* You can share privately if you want.

Looking forward to learning from you.


Unknown said...

I can't wait to read this book. The main character sounds just like me - but we'll see when I read this. I know I bury things down deep, but just am not sure what I am burying. Maybe reading this will help me know. Love the book.(s!)

Robin said...

I LOVED this book. I really liked Healing Stones, but I think this one was even better. I just found this blog and plan to read back through it when I have time.

I posted about Healing Stones a while back and plan to post about Healing Waters soon. I think I read somewhere that this is going to be a three book series - I hope for more! Excellent! I really enjoy your Sully character - he's great - love his authenticity!

gail said...

I love this book. I am looking forward to reading Healing Stones. I have a lot of unforgivness(guilt) for myself. Thank you for allowing God to work through you to help people like me, acting normal??, but not doing a good job of it.